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Top personalised slate signs that make a garden look charming

Top personalised slate signs that make a garden look charming

Putting up personalised slate signs in your garden is a good practice.

Especially because putting up personalised slate signs in your garden make them a safer place to dwell. Intriguing and to the point personalised slate garden signs protect your garden from strangers.

Name plates, personalised slate signs, personalised quotes and messages are some common postings people put up in their garden.

The benefit of putting personalised slate signs is that we can give specific instructions to onlookers without really bothering them with someone telling them what to do or where to go!

Of course, we need to ensure the personalised slate signs we put up are visible enough to common eye and are written in bold letters for all to notice easily.

Why to use personalised slate garden signs

The rationale behind using personalised slate garden signs is to make the place look attractive and to leave messages for the passersby or our guests in an easy way.

We can customize personalised slate garden signs quite easily. We can add floral designs, embellish them with artwork and even surround them with clinging shrubs and flowers to make them look attractive.

Overall, all personalised slate garden signs come in handy in managing guests effectively. For instance, Name plates and Address Signs on slates direct people appropriately towards their next destination.

Who uses personalised slate house signs

Everyone does! All personalised slate house signs are utility oriented because we are telling our guests and onlookers something about ourselves.

For instance personalised slate house signs with our Name and Address tells our guests it is our house. Similarly, personalised slate house signs that have symbols such as Om or the Holy Cross or the Swastik symbol tells our guests about our religious leanings etc.

Overall, using slate house signs makes it easy for onlookers and guests to understand whatever we want to convey.

If we have a huge garden in front of our house, we can instruct onlookers not to step on flowers or on grass or on plants etc. Similarly, if we have a Dog in the house, we can request guests to be careful of them and so on.

How personalised slate plaques protect us

Using personalised slate plaques helps us in making our home and garden or any other abode look organized and stylish as well.

For instance, using a personalised engraved garden sign makes it look stylish and elegant.

Many websites allow you to choose from 20 letters to more for our engraved personalised slate plaques.

Using these slate plaques is an inexpensive option as well. Plaques carved in wood are quite common. We can use paints and colours as per our preferences on them as well.

We can also conveniently use heart signs and other auspicious symbols to energise our garden and home while using these personalised slate plaques at our abode.

Usually the hangers used for these slates are made of galvanized silver, which is why they are durable ad will not rust during rains and will not fall off with winds.

For instance, a 25cm X 10 cm personalised slate plaque would be ideal for any location apart from your garden.

We can order for more sizes as well depending on our need.

Why to suggest slate plaques personalized to your neighbours and guests

Our neighbours and guests are important people who may visit us quite often. If we live in communities that are well built over huge areas of land, guests may get lost quite often.

In such cases having slate plaques personalised helps us tons in directing them towards our home easily.

5 ways of having slate plaques personalised

There are many important messages which can be displayed when we have slate plaques personalised. Some of the most popular ones include the following:

  1. Name Plates: These could be wooden engraved Name plates cut out in slates as plaques with our Full Name and arrow mark to show we live here.
  2. Garden Signs: Signs to instruct onlookers and guests to keep away from flowers, grass etc. can be displayed on these plaques.
  3. Danger Signs: If you have a pet which goes hysterical when new guests arrive at home, make sure you use Danger signs on plaques that will help you warn your guests.
  4. Welcome messages: If you are a social type who often has guests at home, have Welcome sign engraved on slate plaques for all to see. This will make your job easier.
  5. Just For you Gifts: Plaques can be gifted too and they do make for great gifts to sweethearts, parents and siblings. Having their name engraved with Just For You or Congratulations messages makes them a great deal.

On the whole, Using personalised slate symbols and signs helps owners, gardeners and those giving gifts feel secure and happy about whatever they get engraved and written on plaques.

Personalising these plaques saves the effort of addressing each and every guest and onlooker individually as well.

For more personalised plaque ideas, visit

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